About me
NOTE: Whoops! Found this other gem lost in my drafts. What the fudge, past me? Anyway, this is obviously not as serious or dramatic as the previous questionable entry but, again, I'm getting rid of things that got stuck somewhere in the process of making this blog. I might not be as proud of some of these stuff as I was when I wrote them more than three years ago... *sigh*, but most of it is still me. As I said in the aforementioned entry, I'm trying to keep the raw emotion and true intention of these older texts. So... enjoy. Or not. As you please.
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I know this probably should have been the first entry of the blog, but I came up with it just now. I suppose some of the people who are reading this don't know me at all, and if I were them, I would like to know a thing or two about the one who's writing. I think there are little details that can give great meaning to what we are reading, and that would help us appreciate those words from a different point of view.
También pueden encontrar la versión en Español.
I know this probably should have been the first entry of the blog, but I came up with it just now. I suppose some of the people who are reading this don't know me at all, and if I were them, I would like to know a thing or two about the one who's writing. I think there are little details that can give great meaning to what we are reading, and that would help us appreciate those words from a different point of view.
If you are one of those who wanted to know a little bit more about me, I will let you down, because today I'm going to write a lot about me. Let's start with the basics... and we'll see were it leads.
- My name is Aldana Emilce Verón. I was born on Wednesday, March 15, 1989. I am a Pisces. Only child.
- My first name was to be Ayelén, but by the time I was born, quite a few baby girls were named thus. A co-worker suggested my mum to name me Aldana instead. Both of my parents fell in love with it as soon as they heard it.
- Emilce is a name my dad always liked.
- Had I been a boy, my name would have been Santiago.
- I love my name.
- I've always loved art.
- I can recall my hobbies always being the same: reading, writing, drawing, singing and listening to music.
- I was also interested in dancing when I was a child, but I was too shy to take classes. I was afraid of looking like a fool, and I was convinced I was not going to be able to learn a thing.
- I love Tap dancing, and I can say I'm quite good at it.
- For most of my life I was very shy, quiet and silent. Now I'm only shy, but it's not as noticeable.
- While in kindergarten, the other kids used to pick on me -probably because of what I've just stated.
- Once, my mum came to visit and saw them pinching and hitting me while I was sitting in a corner. The teacher told her that was a daily scene and that I wouldn't defend myself. That evening, when I got home, my dad taught me exactly how to do that. We wrestled almost every day for years, until I, being older and larger, unintentionally split his lip.
- Also in kindergarten, a kid threw a wooden block to my head, so I had to be given a three-point suture. I still remember that day. I think I wasn't even four.
- I never had difficulty escaping reality. I usually accomplish it by reading, writing or watching a movie.
- To me, the rest of the world ceases to exist while I'm reading.
- When I was a baby, my mum used to read to me to help me sleep. She would also sing to me. When she fell silent because I had 'fallen asleep', I would wake up to make her keep reading or singing.
- A good book is one of the best gifts one could give me. I think it's a great way of knowing how much someone knows me or what they think of me, based on the choice they make.
- When I was ten, I got a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I didn't need to finish reading the first chapter to realise I was holding something that was going to change my life.
- Until I was around five, I was convinced I wanted to be a Vet. But then I realised I was not going to be able to save every pet's life and didn't think I could cope with that. The immediate option was to be a writer. I haven't changed my mind ever since.
- When I was in High School, I pondered the possibility of studying Psychology, Law or Sociology.
- My aunt on my mother's side is an Ophthalmologist. She always wanted me to become one as well. She taught me how to use the slit lamp and most of her equipment when I was very young, hoping that, one day, we would work together.
- I'm particularly fond of Medicine, and I wouldn't mind studying it, but it's not my vocation.
- I don't feel uncomfortable in hospitals nor am I afraid of doctors. Not even dentists.
- I had to use braces twice. Now I have pretty decent teeth.
- I'd like to know a little bit of everything. Actually, I'd love to know a lot about everything but, obviously, a lifetime wouldn't be enough.
- In spite of that, I don't currently go to college. I really want to study Literature.
- Four years ago, I took up Musical Theatre. I graduated last year. They were the happiest three years of my life.
- When I was thirteen, the people I thought were my friends ostracised me. For weeks I would hide and have lunch locked in the school bathrooms, while being laughed at and threatened. Later, I met new people that finally made me feel good about myself. My former friends didn't last as a group much longer, but mine did. I still talk to some of them from time to time.
- Even though I could face the people who hurt me, and even forgive them, never again have I been able to build lasting friendships nor fully trust people.
- Relationship wise, I tend to give more than what I receive, but I'm not complaining. I generally end up getting fed up of some people and simply walk away. I suppose I expect them to do something for me before asking for it.
- More than ten years ago, I started writing a book. Whenever I resumed the process, I would change whole chapters. But not this time. The changes are definite.
- The only people who asked me what my book was about were my parents and my aunt; but mum and dad are the ones who read it every single year.
- It doesn't bother me if others don't show interest now, but I hope they do when the book's published!
- My favourite TV show is Friends.
- I have tons of favourite movies, so I won't attempt to name them all (not because they're too many, but because I'm afraid of leaving some out).
- My favourite actors are Al Pacino and Johnny Depp. My favourite actress is Meryl Streep.
- I love The Beatles. They are the best thing that could happen to me. Their music and philosophy were my rock during the hardest years of my adolescence.
- Not to sound cliché, but I honestly want world peace the most.
- One of the things that make me really vulnerable is thinking of kids' suffering due to the chaotic world we are passing on to them. They are victims of decisions they did not make.
- I think money is the worst thing that could happen to humanity. I also believe that mankind is the worst thing that could happen to the Earth.
- Man's ambition is destroying the only world we have, it's killing everything that lives in it.
- I'm a cyberactivist.
- I went to Italy when I was five, and to Disney when I was ten. This year I went to Rome once more, and also got the chance to visit Switzerland. I'm currently convinced that Lausanne is the city in which I want to spend the rest of my life.
- I've also been three times to Bariloche. Until not long ago, I imagined I was going to live there, writing and getting my inspiration from the mountains.
- I studied English since I was eight, till I was in my early twenties. I passed the FCE and CAE with flying colours and I'm very proud of it.
- People who spend their days complaining bother me a lot. I think they're unable to appreciate the finer things in life, nor are they able to notice the little day-to-day details that could easily build their happiness.
- I seldom complain. When I do, it's mostly through the written word.
- I'm an insomniac. Either that or my internal clock works unlike that of the rest of the people I know. This might explain why I never suffered from jet lag... Hm.
- Lately, I've been spending so much time alone that, when I talk to someone, I talk more than I'd like. I must be insufferable. I'm sorry.
- I went to see The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring without having read the book. I finished reading the LOTR trilogy and The Hobbit before the release of The Two Towers.
- I get easily obsessed with books, movies, actors, comics, manga, anime, bands and series. I love a thorough investigation. This sort of interest lasts a couple of months. Nothing too extreme.
- I get easily bored.
- I love people who (pleasantly) surprise me regularly.
- I hate routines.
- I've never had a boyfriend. I've been in love with the same person for almost five years. Sometimes I think about him, but, even if I set my mind on it, I wouldn't be able to have a relationship with him.
- He was the first man ever to make me feel beautiful and worthy. Outside of my family, he was the first person that made me feel that what I thought and said was relevant. He made me feel that, to him, it meant a lot to talk to me.
- I'm afraid of falling in love again, but I'd like that to happen to me, regardless.
- I don't like to rush relationships nor label them.
- If I had a partner, I would not ask him to give up his life for me. I wouldn't give up mine for him, either.
- When I was younger, I used to lie about myself because I thought I wouldn't get along with people by being honest. Today, lying and hypocrisy are the things that repel me the most; and, for the last couple of years, I've been more genuine than it's probably comfortable.
- Anyone would have to offend me grossly for me to stop talking to them. I don't get angry or hold grudges. It seems to me that whatever I might do, other than ignoring them, is energy wasted on someone who doesn't deserve it.
- I consider myself to be strong, but sensitive nevertheless. I've learnt the hard way, going under and recovering repeatedly, making the same mistakes hundreds of times. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
- I don't tend to be demonstrative. It most likely has something to do with the things I wrote above.
- I give second, third, fourth and even fifth chances. However, it is impossible to recover my absolute trust once it was lost.
- I always endeavour to keep my word.
- Until recently, I prioritised other people's problems rather than my own. Ever since I stopped doing that, I could not keep my promises as much.
- Most of the time, I'm more of a listener than a talker.
- I'm outraged by what lack of education is doing to the world.
- My favourite/lucky number is 9. The addition of the figures of the date of my birth, as well as those of my ID, and my current mobile number, result in nine.
- The only times I cry in the year are during an argument with my family, or exercising in my Acting classes. It's not that I don't feel pain or joy, I simply don't cry.
- I don't believe in coincidences. Everything that happens is inevitable.
- I think that the fact that we are all susceptible to death makes us all equals; whatever material goods we might acquire throughout our lives aren't going to accompany us when we abandon it, which is why I believe that the most important thing to do is pursue happiness according to our values and concerns. The only life we can live is our own, and compromising our goals in order to satisfy someone else is not a way of honouring life. It's not an absolute truth, but it is the one that I believe in.
- I don't want to be better than others. I want to be the best version of myself.
- I want to be the kind of person that, when the time comes, looks back and regrets nothing.
- I wrote more than what I consider most people will read for the simple reason that I needed to vent.
- I can seem arrogant at times, but my modesty is never fake.
- I don't consider myself an ignorant person but, compared to the person I want to be, I'm an idiot.
- I believe men to be better friends than women. But, as in everything else, there are exceptions.
- In order to rest, I need to meditate. Otherwise, my thoughts won't let me sleep a wink.
- I don't understand the concept of 'pride' as that which deprives us of being humble.
- I had cholesterol problems when I was about eight. Since then, my diet's been fry-free and salt-free. I could not get rid of chocolates, though.
- My favourite colours are blue/light blue, red and gold.
- I speak of my life to get people to know me, not to brag or monopolise attention.
- I think that, with a good use of politics and democracy, misery could be ended. Current politics disgust me.
- I spent my twenty-two (almost twenty-three) years of life in Argentina. I still haven't found something I can fully identify with.
- I would never hurt someone intentionally.
- I haven't written a single lie.
- I haven't written everything there's to know about me, either.
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